Saturday, March 3, 2007

Conversation With The Bitch

Here is a fun visual to imagine...

I went for a run yesterday and with each step up a very long hill I repeated to myself "I am strong. I am healthy. I am strong. I am healthy." On the way down the hill, though, this mantra got a bit boring and repetitive and so I started having a conversation with the Bitch instead. It went something like this:

"Get out of my body, you miserable Bitch! You think that you are so strong, but you picked the wrong person to mess with. I have a ka-zillion trillion healthy cells in my body right now who are ready to kick your scrawny little one-million-celled ass! My liver is strong and my lungs are strong and there is no way in hell that they are going to let you in. I have friends who love me, I have an amazing husband who loves me, I have two beautiful children who love and need me, I have an incredible family who loves me and I have God on my side. You have no one -- NO ONE loves you! Everyone wants you DEAD! And if you don't believe me, just wait until next week when my doctors arrive because they are bringing the big guns and before you know it you will be lying dead in some lonely tumor graveyard and I will be running happy and free in this beautiful world!"

I am pretty confident that there are a few people I passed on the trail who think I am schizophrenic, but that's okay! :)


Deirdre said...

You Go Girl!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this visual of you cursing the BITCH on the trail. She better just hightail it out of there now!