Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Michael and Miranda

I was reminded again today that there are many, many people now visiting my blog site who were not part of my initial email communications. Therefore, I wanted to share an amazing story that happened to me early on which some of you might have missed. Once you read this I am sure that you'll understand why I believe that God is with me on this journey....

A new neighbor, Michael Korn, moved into a house about 5 doors away from us a few months ago. I randomly met him back in the Fall when I was out walking my dog and he was checking out the neighborhood trying to decide whether or not to buy. We talked at length about the neighborhood, the schools, etc since he also has a kindergarten-age son. When we spoke, he mentioned in passing that he was an oncologist at UCSF and so, shortly after I was diagnosed, I walked over to share my situation and get his advice. As it turned out, he specializes in colorectal cancer and he is a colleague and friend of many of the renowned doctors at UCSF who treat colon cancer. Furthermore, his girlfriend, Miranda, is a former oncology nurse who worked in oncology for 6 years (she now works in intensive care).

Michael and Miranda quickly took Pete and I under their wing. They sat with us one night early on in the process and patiently explained confusing medical terms, corrected misconceptions that we had, provided insight into various treatment options and expected side effects, and gave us an overall sense of security, comfort, and hope. Michael was also instrumental in getting me appointments with three of the top doctors within a week (normally this takes 6 weeks). He even went as far as saying that his new personal goal for 2007 is to get me cancer-free!! Both he and Miranda have followed my progress closely and have been an incredible source of support, encouragement and advice. Not to mention the fact that they are a really fun couple who I know we would enjoy being friends with even outside of this whole experience.

Interestingly, when I asked Michael why he decided to move to this neighborhood he explained that he and Miranda were living contently in a nearby town when suddenly they got the urge to move and own a home. He said when he saw this neighborhood and met me he just knew that it was the right place for them. Call it what you want, but personally I believe that I am not in this alone. I believe that there is a greater power who has a plan for me and will guide me and my family through this difficult time. And, although I know that it will make both Michael and Miranda blush when they read this (they are both a bit shy and reserved), I feel strongly that God directed them here to be my guardian angels on this journey. And regardless of the outcome, I will be forever indebted to both of them for giving me the hope to plow forward with grace, courage and strength.


Anonymous said...

Julie, I don't know you but I know and highly respect your dad. Your faith in God's provision will be your peace in this journey. My prayers will be with you and for you. May God be your provider of strength, healing and love. Blessings to you and your wonderful family.

Randy Trusley

Anonymous said...

is when God chooses to remain anonymous."