Friday, March 9, 2007

"Non-Event" Surgery

Well, my carabiner is firmly in place now. The surgery was fairly uneventful, although the recovery has been more painful than I expected. The surgeon who did the procedure talked with Pete and I beforehand and said, "In the whole scheme of what you are going through, this surgery is really a 'non-event'." Ummm, excuse me...Doctor? I was just curious....if this is what a "non-event" feels like, what exactly should I expect when they cut open my abdomen and remove part of my colon, lymph nodes and pelvic tissue?

Pete decided early on in our marriage that I was born with more "pain-receptors" than the normal person. I think that this was his loving way of implying that I am a total wimp when it comes to pain, which I fully admit. Anyway, he informed me last night as I was whining about the pain from my "non-event" surgery that he is going to ask the doctor whether they can also resect some of my pain receptors at the same time that they are resecting other parts of my body. If that would make my recovery less painful, I am all for it!

1 comment:

carol duster said...

You are NOT a whimp!! You are totally amazing!!! When is the last time the Dr. had a port-a-cath installed in his/her body? praying in colorado, the dusters