Friday, March 9, 2007

My Wacky Cousin, Jeremy

For those of you who have not yet figured out how to read the "comments" attached to each blog entry, I wanted to share with you one that my wonderfully wacky cousin, Jeremy, posted yesterday in response to my fear about the carabiner surgery. He wrote:

Julie, you should not be freaked out. It's the Bitch who should be freaking out. Just imagine-- she has no idea, but she is enjoying her last few lovely peaceful days. She is kicking back, lounging-- and tomorrow she's going to hear a KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK somewhere up around the vicinity of your chest. She'll look up, and say, "Hey, what the fuck is that?!?" and before she can figure it out she'll get the chemo splashed all over her eyes and then the radiation smashing into her face like a fist and then she'll start to wither just like the witch in the Wizard of Oz: "I'm melting!!! MMMMMEEELLLLTING!!!!" and you will say, "What's the problem, Bitch? You can dish it out but you can't take it? Get up and get some more of this."

Ha, ha, ha!!! How can I NOT feel like fighting when I have wonderful support like this!

And for future reference, if you want to read the great comments that various people are leaving me, just click on the "comments" button at the bottom of each blog entry.

1 comment:

Tamie said...

Jules ~

Glad to see you found your's more than theraputic.

Know, as I've offered throughout our lives, that I will give you any organ you need...anything...except my liver, which is currently under repair!!

You're strong, you will fight it! You're the healthiest person in the world, probably why "the bitch" picked you...prefers vegetables and grains to doritos and'll prove she made a bad decision!!

Love you!!