Monday, March 19, 2007


Okay, I apologize but I am going to use my blog to make a shameless pitch for a company that I totally LOVE! Kimbelina ( is a small, start-up company that I did a marketing consulting project for when I was first easing back into the working world after having Kyle. The company was founded by a very inspirational woman and her siblings and centers around the idea of offering products which symbolize hope and comfort to people going through crisis. Ironically, one of the things that I did for them during the project was brainstorm different ways to reach individuals diagnosed with cancer and their loved ones who might be looking for a unique and special gift to give (eerie, huh?) Anyway, they offer a number of incredibly beautiful, high-quality products (such as blankets, robes, baby blankets, etc) that are accompanied by wonderfully-written poems that speak of hope, love and sympathy. Every product that they sell has an angel embroidered in each corner to symbolize to the gift-receiver the love, comfort and support that the gift-giver is sending.

I have first-hand knowledge of just how beautifully crafted their products are because when the owner and her sister learned of my diagnosis they sent me an enormous care package that contained an angel bathrobe for me, an angel blanket for Pete, and angel blankets for each of my boys. I literally burst into tears when I opened the package -- their generosity was overwhelming! Luke has not put his blanket down since he got it -- he stays wrapped in it every moment that he is home. And he very sweetly told me, "Mommy, my blanket is so soft I feel like I am being hugged by an angel."

Anyway, if any of you need a unique sympathy gift or if you are looking for a baptism or holy communion gift, please check out Kimbelina. It is a really wonderful company run by incredibly compassionate and inspiring people.

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