Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday, March 30

I'm feeling a bit better today. I got a good night sleep last night with the help of the medication and haven't had too much stomach cramping so far today. I took another pain killer and a different kind of nausea pill this morning, which have made me a little bit drowsy but not completely loopy like last night.

And I am feeling great that today marks the last day of week 3 -- yippee!! It's hard to believe that I have be doing the radiation and chemo for three weeks already -- the time really has gone fast. So now I only have 2 1/2 more weeks to go and then I am done with this phase of treatment and I get a break for a few weeks to let my poor body heal before surgery.

And hopefully by the end of this phase the Bitch and all of her little one-cell (or many-celled) bitchy spawns will be dead, dead, dead as doorknobs! I actually rejoice every time I have to go to the bathroom these days since I envision all of the bitchy spawn cells being flushed out of my body and swept off to some far away sewage treatment plant! It's really a wonderful vision -- ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at how far up that mountain you are now! You go girl!!!