Monday, September 10, 2007

Without A Hitch

My chemo treatment today went off without a hitch. My blood tests showed that the extra week of healing did the trick: my white count rose slightly to 2.9 (which is still low, so more Neupogen shots needed this week, but acceptable from a chemo perspective) and my platelets rose to 111 (last Tuesday they were only at 66 and the minimum for treatment is 75.) I still have lots of random bruises all over my body and a few other mild symptoms -- for example, my tastebuds are starting to get pretty numb and so I have trouble tasting most foods and I feel really weak on some days. But so far, I am still hanging in there.

And so, with very mixed emotions, I did another treatment of FOLFOX today. I say "mixed emotions" since I would have obviously loved to have been just about anywhere else other than sitting in the "chemo lounge" at the Marin Cancer Center, but since there is no way to avoid what I have to go through, I figure the sooner I get going, the sooner I'll be done!

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