Monday, September 10, 2007

"Mo Lub Ewes"

I have a very cute game that I play with both of my kids. It starts by me saying "Guess what?!" with a very mischievious look in my eye. Luke or Kyle then say "What Mommy? What?" at which point I yell "I loooooove you!" while smothering their little bodies with kisses.

Yesterday, I played this game with Kyle and he was so darn cute!!! After we had played the game four or five times, I told him that it was time to stop and get dressed for the day (he was wearing only a diaper and there is nothing better kissing a naked baby belly!)

In response, though, Kyle emphatically demanded "No Mommy! NOOOOOO!! Mo lub ewes!" For those who have never been exposed to Kyle's adorable little two-year-old language, this sentence translates into "More love you's!" How could I possibly deny the little guy when he is so darn cute?? Trust me, it's impossible! So needless to say, we continued playing "I Lub Ewes" for another half hour.

Of course, our morning schedule and "To Do" list were thrown off a bit by this unexpected turn of events, but it was a lazy Sunday morning and I decided that there was really nothing more important that I needed to be doing other than telling my child how much I love him. It's truly amazing how effective young children are at keeping you living in the moment!!

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