Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Elle Magazine Article

There is a very interesting article about the link between environmental factors and cancer in the latest issue of Elle magazine (the one with my favorite actress, the adorable Reese Witherspoon, on the cover). Here are some daunting statistics that the article points out:

> Scientists calculated that, among the 216 possible known carcinogens for breast cancer, 73 are found in consumer products or food (again, how the heck do companies get away with including these ingredients if they are "known carcinogens"? I don't get it!), 35 are in the air that we breath, and 29 are produced in this country in amounts exceeding one million pounds per year. And that's just breast cancer!

> The National Cancer Institute estimates that 90% of the roughly 200,000 annual breast cancer diagnoses are due to environmental and lifestyle factors, not genes.

The article also talks about the plastic toxins that I mentioned earlier and confirms everything that I wrote, and more. It's an interesting article -- definitely worth reading if you get a chance.

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