Monday, September 24, 2007

Six Down, A Couple to Go

I had my sixth chemo treatment today. Surprisingly, all of my blood counts were really good (well, "really good" for someone going into their sixth chemo cycle, anyway.) Interestingly, my red blood count was the highest that it has been since April! Something like 3.55 for all you medical mumbo-jumbo interpreters out there. Crazy, huh? I told the nurse that I was convinced that my red count would be really low given how tired I felt last week, but she said that anemia is only one of the many ways that chemo can deplete a person. Apparently, it's more complicated than that. Hmmmm...interesting. Anyway, my white blood count was fine and my platelets were back up to 119, so all was good.

When I told my friend, Kristen, last week that I only had three more cycles to do, she exclaimed, "That fantastic! Three qualifies as 'a few' and so you can legitimately say that you only have a few cycles left." She was right! And the beautiful thing is, now that my sixth cycle is done, I only have two left. And, since two qualifies as "a couple," I can honestly and enthusiastically say "only a couple more to go!" Ahhhh, music to my ears!

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