Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Quick Update

I know, I know...it's been AGES since I last wrote anything!! But I have good excuses, I promise!

Last week, my Grandma Connie came to visit for the whole week PLUS my cousin Jeremy and his wife Shannon (and their three kids) came to town PLUS an old friend of mine from high school was in town for a night PLUS Pete's cousin, Liz, was in town for the week. Needless to say, we have been very busy catching up with all of these wonderful people. And then, as soon as everyone had left, Pete and I took off for a much needed romantic getaway. We just got back tonight after being gone for 3 days up north on the Sonoma Coast.

Anyway, I have so many things that I want to write about, but I will be super busy tomorrow just trying to catch up after being gone, so check back in a couple days and I promise that I'll have written more by then!

And by the way, my CT/PET scan is this Friday. If you are the praying type, please, please, please say a special prayer for me!! Dr Poen suggested last week that we should be hoping for "no surprises", but I realized that I'd actually be thrilled with surprises as long as they are good surprises (e.g., my body is completely healthy; no signs of disease anywhere). So please say a prayer that I be blessed with only good surprises! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Julie, we just came from a Kiwanis meeting (my God we're not in the city anymore!) where I just asked everyone there to pray for you and your big CT scan on Friday. This was a pretty God-ly crew, so I'm betting you have some powerful prayers coming your way.