Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Healer, Master Danadoost

So in the spirit of leaving no rock unturned and having no regrets at the end of this journey, I did something on Tuesday that was a bit unusual (at least to me) -- I went to see a "healer". I have to admit that I didn't even really understand what a healer does before going, but I had heard about this particular healer from a couple different, reputable sources and so decided to give it a try. Well, I can tell you that it was the single most incredible experience that I have had so far since my diagnosis -- it was really overwhelming!!

The first 20 minutes of my appointment were spent going over my personal history. The healer, Master Danadoost (yes, this is the name on his business card), had me bring in photos of myself both before and after getting cancer as well as pictures of my family. He studied the pictures intently for about 5 minutes (although he didn't say what he was looking for) and then he asked me numerous questions about my diagnosis and my prior health history. After that was done, he had me lie on a massage table and he basically performed a cross between a massage and acupressure treatment for about 40 minutes. The whole time, he talked non-stop giving me very specific instructions on how he wanted me to breathe and talking directly to various parts of my body, giving them directions for healing.

I know, I know...this all sounds a bit hokey. So what made the experience so incredible? Because by the time that the session was over, my whole body was so unbelievably tingly that my hands and feet actually hurt -- kind of like how your body feels when you wake up in the middle of the night to find that you have been sleeping in a strange position and your arm or hand has fallen asleep. Only I could feel the tingling all the way up and down both arms and legs and into my torso. I was also completely drenched in sweat, whereas I was comfortably cool at the beginning of the session. And I was so light-headed when he finished that I could not even sit up for a couple minutes. Once I could finally sit up, I had to stay sitting and collect myself for about 5 minutes before I could leave the office. And as I was struggling to sit up and get my bearings, Master Danadoost was shaking his hands forcefully and commenting about how much his hands hurt and how hot they were from the treatment.

I have no idea how Master Danadoost did what he did...I don't even really know what he did (some people call it "moving your energy" or "releasing toxins"), but I can tell you without a shred of doubt that he did something to my body. I have had a number of massages since I was diagnosed and none of them came close to what I experienced in this session. So needless to say, I am going back again soon. It will be interesting to see whether the next session is equally amazing...I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

carol duster said...

Wow!!! Julie, that is amazing and SO ARE YOU!!!! We should never try to separate mind, body, and spirit and your recognition of this is the reason you have killed the Bitch and are in recovery mode!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!! Grab some sunshine today, praying in Colorado, Carol and clan
p.s. I even gave up diet coke, you are such an inspiration!!!