Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Day Three of Chemo

Well, it's Day 3 of my new chemo regime and I am definitely feeling some side effects, although they are not quite as bad as I imagined they would be. The biggest issues are that I am completely wiped out (I have slept on and off for the past two days), I am pretty nauseous, and I have a raging headache. I also feel really achy and just generally "off", kind of like the feeling before the flu hits full-force. But I got unhooked from my chemo pump this morning and so I am hoping that I'll start feeling a little better by tomorrow.

Emotionally, I am still having a hard time imagining going through this for the next four months. I feel like I have just completely lost the past 3 days and it annoys me to think that every other week is going to be like this. Pete reminds me, though, that I am investing in a "healthy, long life" which I know is true and I have to hang on to this thought since it's what will sustain me these next few months.


carol duster said...

Go Pete!! YOU sustain Julie everyday!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon. Will call on Fday to see if you're up for a play date around 3:30 or so.
xoxox Isabelle

Anonymous said...

Throw that kitchen sink at any leftover Bitchy varmin! You ARE investing in the rest of your long life. You can do it Julie. We're praying for a quick comeback for you each and every chemo session. We love you and miss you.