Saturday, June 9, 2007

Yesterday's Post -- the Twist (Pete)

As I shared with a few of you today, there was actually a little twist to yesterday's blog post -- which is that it was almost entirely written Thursday night -- before the surgery.

Julie and I are both big believers in positive visualization, and we knew the outcome that we wanted -- so I just went ahead and put it into words. I obviously had to insert a few actual quotes from yesterday, but I was otherwise ~95% accurate in predicting the timeline, the fact that the spot on the liver was a hemangioma, the summary briefings from the doctors, and the way we'd feel overall at the end of the day.


Anonymous said...

Your a great testiment to positive thinking and faith. I think you have shown the power of both!

Anonymous said...

This is why you are kicking her out permanently. Good for you both!