Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Three Days Until Surgery

Well, only three more days to go until my surgery!! I am not sure whether to be scared or thrilled -- a bit of both, I think. Anyhoo, I am crazy busy trying to get about a million things done before I become incapacitated for awhile so I don't have much time to write at the moment. But I figure that I'll be on forced bedrest here very soon, so I am keeping a list of all the things that I want to write about....so stayed tuned! :)

In the meantime, though, I did want to share a couple things pertaining to my surgery. First, I gave Pete instructions last night about how to use my blog and so, starting Friday, he will get on and share regular updates about my surgery and recovery. So check back here and you'll get the whole scoop.

Secondly, a number of friends have asked whether I am up for having visitors or not. The short answer is "I don't know." The two most important visitors that I want to reserve my energy for are Luke and Kyle and so I'll just have to play it by ear to see whether I any extra energy after they leave. Again, stay tuned....

Lastly, many people have inquired as to where I am having the surgery. I will be at UCSF - Mount Zion Campus at 1600 Divisidero Street in San Francisco. I have to be there at 9am on Friday (surgery is scheduled for 11am) and am expected to be in the hospital for a week, give or take a day or two.

Okay, that's all for now...I am off to go running in the beautiful Marin Headlands and have another conversation with God and the Bitch! Hee, hee! :)

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