Thursday, August 9, 2007

Rare Good News

The Journal of Nutrition wrote about
Some researchers who tested chocolate out.
It may help stave off heart attacks, they claim.
Red wine, we've known for years, can do the same.
Without the need of any doctor's urging,
I feel a healthy diet plan emerging.

By Calvin Trillin, The Nation, November 27, 2000

1 comment:

carol duster said...

Thanks to you, I am now a confirmed vegetarian and my family by default is living the life! Go Julie!!! So, Mark forwarded this to me from the Wall Street Journal today:
Diet Tied to Colon Cancer's Return
August 15, 2007; Page D4

Colon-cancer survivors with diets heavy in red meat and fatty foods are more than three times as likely to suffer a recurrence of their disease or die from it than those who avoid such foods, a study found.

Previous studies had shown that a high-fat diet, especially one with lots of red meat, may increase a person's risk of developing colon cancer, a leading cancer killer.
anyway, you can refer to the article in full today! Blessings, thanks for being the change you want to see in the world, Carol and clan