Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My Jolt of Love

Today is April 18th -- my last day of treatment. And also the day that my good friend, Carter, is getting married. To be honest, I had forgotten all about Carter's wedding in the haze of my own pain and misery (I'm sorry, Carter!! I am obviously a bit distracted these days!) But I was reminded of her wedding just now in a very surreal way...

Luke is off at school and Kyle just headed to the park with our nanny and so I was settling down for the morning to read through my email. One of the emails was from (a spiritual website from which I receive daily prayers, meditations, etc) and today's email was ironically titled "Why I Believe in the Power of Prayer." It was an essay written by a woman who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 31 and in the essay she writes: "I know that a big part of the reason I’m cancer-free and feeling good right now is because of all the people who closed their eyes and sent blessings, requests, and good vibes my way." At the exact moment that I read that sentence, I felt chills run up and down my whole body. At first, I thought that the chills were because the sentence resonates with me -- I, too, believe that the prayers and blessings and good vibes I am receiving will help me to overcome this cancer. But then suddenly, out of nowhere, I remembered what Carter had written to me a few weeks ago!! She told me that at 9am PST on April 18th, I should feel a "jolt of love" since she was going to have all 200 people at her wedding in London say a prayer for me at that time!! I paused for a second and shook my head in disbelief -- could the chills I just felt have been this "jolt of love"? No way, I thought -- that is completely crazy!! But I couldn't help myself...out of curiosity, I glanced up at the clock. It read 9:04am.

Thank you, Carter! I love you and I wish you all the best!!


Anonymous said...

I have goosebumps from head to toe. I know that you will beat this little Bitch. You will continue to climb your mountain during these six weeks of recovery. You will continue to make yourself stronger physically and mentally for the next challenge. We are all so proud of you and continue to be inspired by your words.

Anonymous said...

I will share with you the power of prayer. My mother was in surgery, to remove the tumor in her brain. Her vital signs all were failing. The doctors and nurses were convinced they were losing the battle. Her surgeon told us later all of a sudden at 10:10am her signs all jumped back. He said they were sure they had lost her, but she came back.

At 10:10 am, at the First Christian Church in Tustin, the congreation (and I) rose and prayed for my Mother.

Goosebumps are angels dancing, letting you know God is at work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me cry Julie! Isn't God neat?!