Sunday, March 4, 2007

Thank you!

I just wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the many people who have reached out to me and shared words of support and love in these past couple weeks. Your emails mean so much to me! I am sorry that I have not had a chance yet to write many of you back -- every spare moment I have had in the past 3 weeks has been filled with either appointments, research, rest, exercise, or prayer. I am hoping that once my treatment actually starts, I will have more time to reflect back on the many emails and actually respond... But in the meantime, please know that just because I am not writing back, it does not mean that I don't appreciate your thoughts and prayer. I really, really do -- they are keeping me motivated and focused in this fight!

I keep joking that when this whole ordeal is over I am going to write a book called "It Takes A Village to Cure Cancer". I truly believe that -- there is no way that I could beat this thing on my own without the love and support of so many friends and family. So thank you for joining my village!


Unknown said...

Oh, Julie, you are one of God's precious angels!!! Your Book will be a best seller! The blog reflects the honest soul of a brillant mind who tries to sort out that which makes no sense, whose loving heart opens to all, whose faith will prevent the bottom from falling through, whose very being will inspire the rest of us to learn from the journey. No doubt about it: The BITCH (Cancer) WILL DIE!!!! I am on this rosary!!! Yahoo!!! Carol and clan from Colorado with love, blessings and prayers

Anonymous said...

Stop sucking thoughts out of my brain Julie. As I have gone on my "journey" I have thought that exact same idea, that it takes a village to cure cancer. But in your case, your fight is more like the old fashioned rumbles of the fifties. You know, you and the bitch meeting somewhere only behind you are hundreds of people ready to kick her ass if you get tired!