Thursday, March 1, 2007

How I Know Kyle is an Angel

Every night Pete and I say the same prayer with our children as we tuck them into bed for the night. The prayer goes: “Now I lay me down to sleep; I pray the Lord my soul to keep. The angels watch me through the night, until I wake in morning light. Amen.”

When Kyle was a little baby – starting almost from the time that he could smile at 6 weeks – every time I would say this prayer with him, he would start smiling as soon as I got to the part about the angels. As he got older, his smiles turned into all out laughter. He would literally be laying in his crib looking up at me and just cracking up! Night after night after night, it never failed…the laughter always started as soon as I mentioned the angels. For the longest time, I just shook my head, smiled back and him, and wondered what the heck he thought was so funny. But then one day a thought occurred to me: Maybe Kyle is an angel and he is laughing because he knows that we haven’t figured it out yet!

I believe this to be true now with all my heart and soul. I truly believe that Kyle is an angel that God sent to me to give me the strength and faith that I need in the coming months and years to climb my mountain.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful entry. Kyle is one great angel.

Unknown said...

I love what you wrote about Kyle being your angel. He truly is a gift from God.