Friday, October 26, 2007

Ten Thousand

Can I just point out a really amazing fact?? As of today, there have been more than ten thousand visits to my blog.


That means that an about 40 people have visited my site every day since I started writing. Friends have visited to check in on me and see how I am doing, or to hear about my progress in my climb up the mountain, or to hear all of my learnings about how to live a healthier life, or just to hear my ramblings about life in general. And I cannot tell you how amazing this makes me feel; I am stunned beyond words. Ten thousand visits in nine months!

I have obviously watched my little traffic counter inch its way up each day, but I think the enormity of what it means truly hit me today. There are tears running down my face right now as I write and I can't help but be reminded of a Ray Carver poem that I published a couple months ago (and which I framed and gave to Bonnie before she died):

And did you get what you wanted
from this life, even so?

I did.

And what did you want?

To call myself beloved.
To feel myself beloved on this earth.

I feel beloved. Because of the love and support from each of you, I can called myself beloved. And in the end, I think that is really all any of us can ask for in life. So thank you for taking this journey with me -- I could not have done it alone.

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