Thursday, June 14, 2007

Funny Little Life Stories

My parents and my in-laws have been an incredible God-send during my surgery. Pete has stayed in the hospital with me every night and so they have all been working 27/7 to care for Luke, Kyle and Shadow. Besides the usual things that being a caretaker entails (such as keeping everyone well-fed, well-exercised, and shuttled around to various activities, etc), they have also done an amazing job of capturing the funny "life moments" of each day and bringing these stories back to us in the hospital. These stories are so incredibly helpful in keeping me connected to my real life outside of the hospital and definitely give me a yearning to heal fast so that I can get out of here and be back home!! For example, my dad sent me the following email yesterday to go with the pictures above:

Good morning Jules…

After dinner last night, Kyle got to work on writing your blog entry, but, sadly, developed writer’s cramp before he got too far.

The good news is, the writer’s cramp didn’t seem to affect his ability to kick a ball.


Apparently, while everyone else was relaxing after dinner, Kyle wandered into the office, wiggled his way onto the chair and pulled my dad's laptop onto his lap. I'm not sure what he was trying to type (perhaps an update about my progress?? or a recap of his day?? or...) , but I am sure that, were it not for the writer's cramp, it would have been quite profound! Ha!

1 comment:

carol duster said...

That dimpled smile and wink!!! I am sure it was going to be the best blog of all............pure love!!!!!
carol and clan