Monday, November 12, 2007

I Finally Feel Like Celebrating

Not much news to report....As far as I know, my TV debut has not yet aired on Good Morning America and I am not sure when it will. I'm planning to call Dr Gullion's office tomorrow to check in and see if they have heard anything. I'll keep you posted. And if I can find someone who is more tech-savvy than me to help, I'll even try to figure out a way to include the clip as a video on my blog. No promises, but I'll see what I can do.

As for me, I am feeling better every day. I told Pete that, when everyone was sending me emails of congrats and flowers a couple Mondays ago, I was having a really hard time feeling "celebratory." I knew that I still had another 7+ days to go of feeling awful and it was hard to feel much like celebrating at that point. But now that a couple weeks have transpired and I am finally on the upswing and starting to feel better, I find that I am beginning to celebrate: my step is a bit lighter, my mood a bit happier, my smile a bit broader...I saw my friend, Amy, on Friday night and she said that she hasn't seen me this upbeat and chipper in months. I think that it's finally safe to say that the old Julie is coming back and that the Bitch lost this battle in a big fat way! :)

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